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For more information please contact
Philip Merry
Tel: +65 6506 0965
Fax: +65 6749 7293
Email: behappy@alleventsgroup.com

Pre-event Workshop|Conference Day 1|Conference Day 2|Post-event Workshop
Conference Day 2 10 June 2010

08:00 Registration

08:30 Opening Remarks by Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar


09:00 SESSION:The Science of Happiness, Resilience and Courage: Singapore Perspectives.

Scientific research findings have provided us good conceptual and empirical bases for understanding the notions of courage and resilience. As an individual's courage and resilience are both correlated with or predictive of the individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, it is important that public policy makers and organizational leaders have a good grasp of the research related to courage and resilience.

In this presentation, Professor Chan will examine courage and resilience at different levels of analysis (the nation, the group or organization, the individual) and then discuss the complexities in the conceptualization and measurement of these two notions. Next, he will present several recently published studies conducted in Singapore to illustrate important issues on courage and resilience. Drawing on scientific research, Professor Chan will discuss challenges and opportunities for building courage and resilience. Finally, he will discuss how the science of courage and resilience can provide us an evidence-based approach towards developing better management in organizations and policy making in Singapore.

Professor David Chan, Professor of Psychology
Deputy Provost, Singapore Management University


10:20 SESSION: Facing Disability with Courage and Resilience

Thomas story highlights the trauma and challenges of life after the fall, which left him paralysed. Hear how a young boy and a normal, ordinary family rose to the occasion and helped Thomas lead a life of meaning.

A true story of real Singapore courage - Thomas' accident
Family resilience and support - the importance of "moms"
Getting back up when disaster strikes - a near death experience
Life is more than our physical constraints - becoming a speaker
  Thomas Chua Chee Siong,
Inspiration Speaker

10:50 Community Outreach: An Insight into Operation SMILES

11:00 Networking Coffee Break

11:30 SESSION: How to Find Happiness Even with Cancer

Cancer evokes so much fear, anxieties and gloom for many of us that finding happiness seems impossible. My journey of happiness was disrupted in mid-April this year when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 leukemia. Treatment with monoclonal antibodies and chemotherapy went on for six months followed by bone marrow transplant on Children's Day. Life has never been more challenging. Antarctica or North Pole pale in comparison! As I battled with adverse reactions and side effects of treatment, I wanted to remain HAPPY!

In my presentation, you will learn how to:

Take charge of adverse events such as cancer
Safeguard your happiness
Let go and move forward
Manage fear and pain
Leverage and create NEW happiness
  Dr. William Tan,
MBBS, PhD, MOH, MSc, MPhil, MHlthSc, Sc M,
Associate, National Cancer Centre, Neuroscientist and Paralympian

12:30 Networking Lunch + Sign Up Session with Marci Shimoff

Happiness & Resilience for the Woman's Soul

This is an exclusive session with Marci Shimoff which focuses on issues of women and happiness - see "Highlights" for details. For more information please contact Vincent Choy at +65 6506 0986 or vincent.choy@alleventsgroup.com

14:00 SESSION : Positive Psychology: Resilience in Challenging Times

Positive Psychology, "the scientific study of optimal human functioning," provides practical tools for better living. This new subfield within psychology is unique in that it creates a bridge between the Ivory Tower and Main Street - making rigorous academic ideas accessible. But what can positive psychology teach us about dealing with difficult times? In this session Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar explores some ways of cultivating resilience by changing the questions that we ask about the world, and by changing the way we look at our lives. Whether we are dealing with fallout from the economic crisis, or going through a stressful period at home or work, drawing on the ideas from this session can actually make you happier.

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar
Author and Lecturer
Harvard University

15:30 Networking Coffee Break

16:00 SESSION: Positive Psychology: Resilience in Challenging Times (cont.)

17:00 Guest of Honour and the Simply-Happy Most Resilient Singapore Awards

17:30 End of Conference

  Back to TOP
Dr.Tal Ben-Shahar
In-Depth Half Day Session
Marci Shimoff
Conference + Special Lunch Session
Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener
Conference + Full Day Workshop
Philip Merry
Conference + Full Day Workshop
Professor David Chan
Dr. William Tan
To be announced
Thomas Chua